VOlunteer Today
Volunteer Opportunities to Fight Hunger in Our Community
Join us in the fight against hunger by volunteering your time, kindness, and skills. Your contribution can bring hope and much-needed support to families in need. Whether you choose to participate in events, organize a food drive, or make a donation, your decision will have a significant impact on those facing food insecurity and those working towards self-sufficiency.
Check out our volunteer opportunities below and fill out the form to get started!
Food Pantry:
Want to fight food insecurity head-on? Join our pantry operations team, help them stock, sort, and distribute food, and get to know your community while welcoming pantry guests.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Engage with the community through our program iniciatives. Whether its the Women’s Empowerment Group, Pathway to Growth, Nutrition Education or Cooking Matters let your passion lead you.
Want more information on programs? Please see the programs page for more details.
Your skills can make a lasting impact.
“It feels good that I was able to help, it’s funny because I never really thought about how my skills could help a food pantry.”
Volunteer helps us collect program implimentation data.
Student Volunteers
University and High School students volunteer here! Whether getting some fieldwork experience or connecting with your community, Detroit Friendship House provides the perfect environment to expand your horizons.
Student Volunteers: please use Sign up Genius to find available Dates/Time slots.
Volunteer for a fundraiser or events
Looking for a group volunteer opportunity? our Thanksgiving meal distribution, Santa Toy shop, Annual Kroger Food drive or our fundraising events is perfect for you!
corporate and small team volunteering
Connect us with your workplace to start a corporate partnership. Our work would not be possible without our corporate and foundation partners.
Court Ordered Community Service
We are not offering court ofered communiyt service opportunities at this time.