““No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
Support our mission
Donating to Detroit Friendship House is a great way to help families build stability. Your gift will support families in their journey to self-sufficiency. Easily and securely make a donation today.
Memorial or Honorary Gifts
Consider celebrating a birthday, wedding, or other special occasion with a gift to Detroit Friendship House. We will mail a card on your behalf with a personalized message!
Planned Giving or Endowment
Leave a Legacy Gift for feeding Hamtramck’s hungry families well into the future. You can support Detroit Friendship House through your Will or Estate Plan or leave a gift to the Detroit Friendship House Endowment Fund.
Our work would not be possible without our corporate and foundation partners and individuals.
Check out our Annual Partner Packet for more details.
Commitments Vary.
Sponsor our Annual Fowling For Food Fundraising Event
Detroit Friendship House hosts a “Fowling for Food “ Event at the Fowling Warehouse to raise funds for its hungry families. There are a variety of Sponsorship opportunities for this event. Sponsors will receive mention in all media and press promotions. They will also receive social media exposure through both Detroit Friendship House and Fowling Warehouse sites. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact officemanager@detroitfriendshiphoue.org
Host a Food Drive
Host a Food Drive and/or Virtual Food Drive at your place of business, school, worship or other groups. Traditional food drives provide our hungry families in Hamtramck with a variety of greatly needed food items. Virtual Food Drives are green (i.e., no boxes, no bags, no transportation costs or carbon emissions).
Please support our clients and community by increasing donations of healthy food, especially perishable items like fruits and vegetables.
Check out our healthy food donations list that support our stop light-nutrition program (SWAP)
In kind donations
The holiday season is a time of giving, and with your help, we can bring smiles to children in our community! At Detroit Friendship House, our annual Santa Toy Shop ensures that children in need receive gifts that brighten their holidays and bring hope to their families.
This year, we’re aiming to serve even more children, and we need your support! We are seeking in-kind donations of new, unwrapped toys suitable for children of all ages.
Detroit Friendship House accepts in-kind donations of goods and services. If you are interested in making an in-kind donation please fill out the form below.
For more information please email officemanager@detroitfriendshiphouse.org